Thursday, May 15, 2008

Would you like someone to contact you in strict confidence about forming a Union?

Contact us at


Anonymous said...

I heard that if we had been a union plant two years ago we would have had to split the plant. That was the lie that changed my mind about joining the union. We did not split because we...we worked nearly every weekend and hours of overtime. Hours away from my family that I can never get back. The only threats I have heard are coming from Trane. They are the ones with the power and that should change NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

How can I contact you anonymously.
I would like to sign but am afraid that someone may tell on me.

IAM Yes said...

Any Contact will be Confidential. Please call 214-679-5339 for a meeting. We will try to answer all questions.

Dell said...

If we at Lynn Haven are ready for a change, we need to stand up and go show interest by signing a union card. We can't wait for others to do it and hope we get enough without having to do it too. So, If your ready, take a stand. You won't be alone.

Anonymous said...

This site is a great tool for anyone who wants to vent. I will have much to say later. For now lets just say I like having some place to say what I feel and ask the hard questions. Here I have a voice. Unlike at the plant where you will hear only the company propaganda. More to come!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am amazed by the letter I just received from Julie. First of all she seems to think that we can not hear both sides and make an intellegent decision. She seems to think that it is all about the money. WRONG!!! It is about having a voice. If we could only get enough of a raise to cover union dues it would be worth it. We need to unite!! It is the only way to GET BACK WHAT WE HAVE LOST AND stop this company from taking everything we have worked so hard to earn. They have made it us against them. We did not want it that way they have forced it on us. The union is not a third party. THE UNION IS US. We just need to use our heads and hearts to decide who is looking out for our best interest. Listen to both sides before you make a decision as to who is telling you a lie. You will not hear both sides by just listening to Julie. If the union has another meeting I suggest you go where you can ask questions without fear.

Anonymous said...

Ok bottom line. I have worked at this plant for almost 9 years. I have seen two union pushes and both times I did just what the company told me to do. I slamed the door in their face. This time I listened to what the union had to say. Then I took a stand and signed a card. So what has changed? Why did I sign this time. What has changed? EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED!!! How many of you remember when we voted on every major change that effected us. I DO. How many of you remember when the plant manager walked out onto the floor and asked us how everything was going at least two or three times a week on each shift. I DO. How many of you remember when we really had an open door policy? I DO. How many of you remember when this plant really felt like family? I DO. For the last two and a half or three years all this new management has done is take take take. Everyone knows it. Everyone wants to do something about it. So what is the problem? I can answer that with one word. FEAR!!! Fear that you will lose your job. Fear that they will close the plant. Fear that they will move the plant to China, Mexico or where ever. That is the major problem with this plant. They seem to think that the best way to manage us is to keep us in FEAR!! So what can we do? There is only one thing we can do and that is UNITE!!! Stop living is fear and make a stand. Trust yourself. Trust that you can make up your own mind. Stop listening to the company telling you that you do not have the intelligence to hear both sides before you make up your mind. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO UNITE!!! Do not let them scare that right away from you.

Anonymous said...

Very well said and I totally agree. I also have been here a very long time and remember feeling like a family. For the past 2 maybe 3 years we got a small raise and the cost of living has went up even more. That means we have to work more hours to make our paychecks go as far as the year before. That to me sounds like a pay cut. Also I don't feel like I have have pride in my work because It's turning into just a job.
I'd like to know when the next union meeting drive is, I'm really anxious.

Anonymous said...

I also am ready for the next meeting. We can only make a right and just decsion only by listening to both sides. Lately, we've only heard what Julie has said totally ANTI-UNION. Now it is time for US to hear for ourselves and ask question without being in FEAR. I too will attend this next meeting and hope many more will do the same. It has been years since we've all felt appreciated here at Trane Lynn Haven...if we had the choice of bringing the OLD MANAGEMENT back...I'm sure it would be very easily WON. Come on people, my fellow family workers, we have to do what we have to do to survive. Show up and lets make our votes COUNT.

Anonymous said...

I went to the unions meeting on tues. I met the rep Tommy and found him to be a great guy. If you do not want to meet with him at the H/I he will meet where ever you ask. Trust me you are not alone. Many of us have signed and more are signing every day.

Anonymous said...

Ok, who has been to our company's meetings? HOW WONDERFUL!! Now that we may be considering going to a union vote, ALL OF A SUDDEN, they want to hear what we have to say. I say TO LITTLE TO LATE!!! Do they really think that a GROUP HUG will fix everything that has gone so very wrong for the last several years. Do they think that all the trust that we have lost will somehow be reistablished by this conversation about what is wrong. Do they really think that we are so uneducated. Do they really think that we can not see through this sad attempt to stop the bleeding that has been caused by thier inability to see that their biggest problem is a management inflicted angry and demoralized work force.

I ask you to consider this: If the mere threat of a union vote can garner such a reaction from this company, try to imagine what a union negotiator backed by a united workforce can do!!!! Find a way to sign!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is the union? The union is US! The IAM will bring resources and experience to the table. But YOU and your coworkers will and should decide about your future. The company wants you to believe we and them are family. Yea right! We work longer hours, for small wages and no voice in our workings hours or conditions. It is time that we take control of our working lives and join the IAM! 1000 employees in Clarksville, TN who have been unionized for decades enjoy better wages, benefits, and working conditions because they have a say at the bargaining table. It's time we stood strong.......

Anonymous said...

Do you think that with these "meetings" that they are doing now will change anything? NO! They do this every time a Union tries to come in; be all nice and pretty and act as if we are all a happy family. It's a sure thing that if the Union leaves then everything goes back to sameold sameold. They have done it before and will do it again.

If they actually did care then why weren't they doing these "meeting" months ago? Why should we beleive they will change anything now? The only reason this is going on is because the Union is trying to come in.

We used to have an "open door" policy. How many of you remebering filling out Start Stop and Continue surveys, doing one on your Team Leader? What about the Thursday Team meeting, how often are those canceled now? I remeber these things and management used to act on them. We did have a say back then but those days are now gone.

Let's get the Union in here so we can have our say back.

When was the last time you ever recomended someone to work here? We used to. At one time we didn't need Remedy because people used to be knocking at the door wanting to work here. Those days are gone. Let's get this place back to being someplace that you would want to recomend to a friend as a place to work.

Let's get the Union in here!

Anonymous said...

I am glad I found this blog. I am thinking about signing a card. I am sick and tired of being treated unfairly. There is no one to talk to, I have tried, they don't care!!! I just want to be treated equal.