Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Think about it with Logic!


Anonymous said...

I do not know if this will get through but I feel that everyone e should read this and consider what it says. It really has me thinking. who is on my side? Please let me know when the next meeting is.

Anonymous said...

I don,t think that everyone in the plant understands what we who have already signed a petition are trying to do. The word petition means:

a solemn supplication or request to a superior authority.

All we are signing is a request to our managment for the right to vote for or against a union.

Why are thay so afraid of us that they would tell you to slam the door on your right to hear both sides?

Anonymous said...

I am ready to sign. Not for me only. I have children who work in this plant. Thier children may work inthis plant. it is time to make a stand. Lets stop thinking that someone else will make it happen. Show this place we are going to make a change. Find a way to make it happen!! Find a way to sign a card that just askes for a chance to vote. Show this place we mean to join together to make them listen to what we have to say.